Tag Archives: queer

Tweets From The SXSW Core Conversation: Queerosphere

I’m using Twickie to live tweet and I will post my tweets on the blog.

jeremymeyers: @niche of course. there hasn’t been any homophobia since will and grace, so there wont be any racism post-obama. #queersxsw

about 19 minutes ago

niche: turning community spaces into IRL community spaces. Use the bars for community activism #queersxsw

about 36 minutes ago

niche: someone just mentioned the Great Schlep. http://bit.ly/L58aQ #queersxsw

about 37 minutes ago

niche: being gay does matter and really doesn’t matter at the same time. both statements are true at this time. #queersxsw

about 40 minutes ago

niche: people are talking about hate mail. [we get hate comments on the @cupcakeblog. so much hate online. hatecations for all] #queersxsw

about 51 minutes ago

niche: you may want check out this podcast. http://www.johnselig.com/ #queersxsw

about 54 minutes ago

niche: how many times I hear the word “privilege” today? IMHO noblesse oblige s/b discreet. #queersxsw

about 56 minutes ago

niche: http://www.iamfivestar.com/ is in room. she’s a vlogger. #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: http://genderfork.com/ said, “what defines the people in this room is that we are all marginalized” #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: Best Gay Bar in Austin is Oil Can Harry’s. It is like a 3-D twitter! #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: blog content and it relationship to activism acting as a bridge to the gay community to the geek community #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: The http://thebradlands.com is talking about how the digital queer community needs to be more proactive. #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: someone was talking about ta-nehisi coates broached a thoughtful discussion about blacks and guys during the election. #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: ppl are talking about being out as a blogger. #queersxsw

about an hour ago

niche: at the queerosphere core conversation #queersxsw

about an hour ago