Tag Archives: magazines

MediaBistro’s Dessert And Discourse

Tonight was my first time attending this annual event for senior level women’s magazine editors. It was nice to see a few friends including Jessica Siegel, Sara Benincasa, Michelle Madhok and Kelly Samardak. I tweeted during the panel part. It is a habit now. Here’s a few tweets from my stream. Two of the panelists, Michelle Adams and Nicole Staggs had just launched new sites, Lonny Mag and Real Beauty, respectively.

Event over. Goodie bag included blowdryer, wine and a tiny bottle of creamy liquor. Yay lady editor events!

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

I love money. I hate the word monetize. Wish I got a nickel every time I hear it uttered.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

Crunching numbers = reading Google Analytics.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

Kick ass resume: have some dotcom experience, have a personal blog, comfortable with crunching numbers.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

None of the panelists think their entire sites would go behind a pay wall.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

Growth is about mutual back scratching, partnerships and creating content that other sites want to link to.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

Lonny.com LonnyMag.com just launched. It’s a new shelter online mag. Founder Michelle Adams worked at Domino.

about 2 hours ago from TwitterMail

Nicole Stagg says pageviews and #of pages per reader. High engagement is important.