The #HowBlackPeopleUseTwitter Discussion Continues

After watching several of these hashtags from start to finish and talking to a few researchers who’ve studied trends on Twitter, I’ve got some potential answers to these questions. Black people—specifically, young black people—do seem to use Twitter differently from everyone else on the service. They form tighter clusters on the network—they follow one another more readily, they retweet each other more often, and more of their posts are @-replies—posts directed at other users. It’s this behavior, intentional or not, that gives black people—and in particular, black teenagers—the means to dominate the conversation on Twitter.-

Slate’s article on the subject.  The hubbub surrounding #howblackpeopleusetwitter goes from–to use a term from the Bush era—shock and awe.  It appears that “Calvin” and his friends are using Twitter.   I just wish Chappelle Show was around to make fun of the whole thing.